Thursday 27 August 2009


Lily' flower is the symbol of whiteness and then purity, innocence.

In Greek mythology, lily can symbolised the temptation because oh the mythology narration, Hades kidnapped Persephone when she was gathering lilies. ( myth of winter)

In Europe, lily is the symbol of an intense love but a frustrated love. It's the flower of glory too.

In heraldry the lily with six petal symbolise the six sun rays and then it's the flower of the glory and fecundity.

The Bible lily is the symbol of the election or the choice of the lover. And then Israel has like symbol the lily.

Wednesday 26 August 2009


Wolves is considered like an wild and debauched animal, but it's not an only dark animal, it' has positives aspect too.

Wolf can see in the dark and than it's a positive aspect considered like the symbol of heroes or ancestor.

In Scandinavian mythology, it's the symbol of Belen. But Fenrir the wolf is an enemy of gods because he want to kill them.

In Greek mythology, it's the symbol of Apollon. And sometimes, Zeus transform himself into wolf.

The wolf is the symbol of Rome. Remus and Romulus have been feed by a wolf.

In the Middle-Age, wolves were considered like a demon, or the metamorphose of sorcerer and witch.

From Mongolia to Anatolia, wolf is the symbol of Genghis Khan and Turks (Atztürk) took the wolf for symbol to find again her pride,wolf symbolise strength and a good warrior. Ataturk partisans and the actual extreme right Turks are using wolf symbol.


Dwarves are the genius of the ground.

For Germans, they come from earth-worm, which had eaten the corpse of Ymir (giant in Scandinavian mythology). Dwarves are the symbol of the ground and grotto, they live in mountains where they hide their forge. Thanks to elves, they build the best weapons like Durandal or the magic spear of Odin-Gungnir.
They are the obscure might which are inside ourself, they are our dark side. They look like monsters.
They symbolise the unconsciousness, or an unverfiable creatures, but invulnerable and they can have reasoning very advanced thanks to his intuition.
Dwarf is considered like secret character because he speak with enigmas but he is a really talkative person.

Dwarf's deformity can be seen like a failure of the nature.

During the Renaissance, small size persons were considered like animals by other people.

Their equivalent in the Greek mythology are the 'cabires'.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Runes symbol

Runes, ancients alphabetic symbols of Germans and Scandinavian. 'rune' mean secret or mystery.

There is 24 runes, each one having her own signification and symbolic meaning. Its origins is discussed, the first hypothesis is that runes come from Latin and Greek alphabet. Indeed some symbols seem to Greek alphabet or Latin,there are similarity in phonetic. The second theory say that runes come from Latin and Alpin alphabet.

The 24 rune represent the 24 Scandinavia's constellations.

Meaning of each runes:

1.Fehu: livestock, money and fortune. It's the primordial fire.(f)

2.Uruz : Buffalo and ox. It's the paramount strength.(u)

3.Thurisaz : giant, women supply. (th)

4.Ansu :God, 'ancestor's post'. It's the inspiration and the conscience.(a)

5. Raido : cavalcade, the way, travel in darkness.(r)

6.Kaunan : torch, boat, ship. (k)

7. Gebo : donation, sacrifice. (g)

8. Wunjo: delight, magnificence and comfort. (w)

9.Hagalaz: hail, storm, hill-fated magi of the Time. (H or ch)

10. Naudiz: servitude, distress, constrain, torment, necessity. (n)

11. Isaz: ice, cold, misfortune.(i)

12.Jeran: years, productive seasons, crop.(j)

13.Eihwaz: yew, death, proscription of magi and others dangers.(e)

14. Petho: Divination, random. (P)

15.Elhaz: men, ambivalence. (R)

16.Sowilo: sun, light, heat and fertility. (S)

17.Tiwaz: arrow, fidelity and the god of war. Ziu. (T)

18.Berkana: a birch-tree branch, wedding and the goddess Frigg. (F)

19.Ehwaz: horse, the solar chariot guide. (E)

20.Mannaz: human, humanity. (M)

21.Laguz: water, sea, lake, spring. (L)

22.Ingwaz: god or heroes from Ingwi.(NG)

23.Dagaz: the day, luminosity from the sacred fire. (D)

24.Othalaz: landed possession, it's the opposite of Fehu.(O)

Runes have ben used by nazi on their flag but in the same time they prohibit them (like in Island).

Runes are used in some fantasy books (of J.R.R. Tolkien, Jule Verne,....) for some of them runes are the writing of dwarfs.

Monday 24 August 2009

Eagle symbol

Eagle are the symbol of imperialism,....
Is the representation of the higher gods of each culture, the emperor, everything represent a powerful authority or it go with it.
Eagle is considered like the king of birds, the only who can look at the sun.

It 's the symbol of angels, in bible, in the ancient testament, Ezekiel describe the four angels like eagles.
Saint Jean is represented by an eagle because because of his gospel and the apocalypse. He is the only person who saw the last judgement.

For Aztec, Japanese, Amerindian, Chinese,...eagle is considered as sun symbol.

But event eagle has a dark side, for example Christians consider it like the symbol of the Christ but like the Antichrist too. Then the eagle symbolize the oppression, cruelty and pride.

The bicephalous eagle was known by Mexicans, but it 's more often used in Asia minor.
For this last, this eagle is the symbol of duality, he was used by Byzantium for his capital Constantinople, who is in the border of Europe and Asia. This eagle can look toward Asia and Europe, in the same time.
After the fall of Byzantium empire, the two-head eagle has been take back by the orthodox church.

The Holy (Germany)Roman empire, Russian empire, and actually many country has the two-head on their flag.

Sunday 23 August 2009


The lambda character is the first symbol which attract me.

It's the symbol of the great city of Sparta. It's the first character of the region' name of Sparta, Lacedemoni.

Every Spartan soldiers (without Iliotes and Perièques, people who were not native from Sparta, they were considered like inferior than Spartans) were fighting with a shield where was marked the lambda symbol.

Sparta was great terrestrial fighter city-state during the Greek Antiquity.

“Upper-case letter Λ

But lambda is also a symbol of some fascists groups. Actually in Greece racists people make use of the Thermopile fight lambda symbol like a symbol of “resistance to foreign”.

what is symbolism?

The symbolism is a French movement(XIXe century) of people (in particular writers, poets,...) who want to express herself thanks to symbols and not explicitly. But symbolism is at first a way to express oneself secretly or not. Every cultures has used and use again symbols, actualy especially in publicities.

Symbolism is often considered like a secret language, and it's what attract many people, but I'll speak about all kind of symbolism; heraldic, masonic, ancient,...

Humans had always been using symbol, since prehistory, for example picture on grottos.