Monday 24 August 2009

Eagle symbol

Eagle are the symbol of imperialism,....
Is the representation of the higher gods of each culture, the emperor, everything represent a powerful authority or it go with it.
Eagle is considered like the king of birds, the only who can look at the sun.

It 's the symbol of angels, in bible, in the ancient testament, Ezekiel describe the four angels like eagles.
Saint Jean is represented by an eagle because because of his gospel and the apocalypse. He is the only person who saw the last judgement.

For Aztec, Japanese, Amerindian, Chinese,...eagle is considered as sun symbol.

But event eagle has a dark side, for example Christians consider it like the symbol of the Christ but like the Antichrist too. Then the eagle symbolize the oppression, cruelty and pride.

The bicephalous eagle was known by Mexicans, but it 's more often used in Asia minor.
For this last, this eagle is the symbol of duality, he was used by Byzantium for his capital Constantinople, who is in the border of Europe and Asia. This eagle can look toward Asia and Europe, in the same time.
After the fall of Byzantium empire, the two-head eagle has been take back by the orthodox church.

The Holy (Germany)Roman empire, Russian empire, and actually many country has the two-head on their flag.

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